Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Final Farewell

Memorial Service
Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 6:00 p.m., 
Gardena Valley Baptist Church
Reception to follow in the Community Center
Burial Service
Thursday, September 12, 2013, 11:00 a.m., Green Hill Memorial Park
Listed as private, but Kari said anyone who wishes to attend is welcome

Friday, August 23, 2013

Saying Goodbye

As difficult as it was to say goodbye, I believe the Lord allowed Kari and the family to 
have a lovely send off for the man they called husband, father, brother, friend.

The hospital staff was very gracious and accommodating, allowing the
support group to stand at Dennis' side as they turned off the machines. 
Dennis' only sister, Amy, and her husband were able to
make it to the hospital (from Seattle) just in time to say their goodbyes.

Kari said Dennis loved this old hymn.  

He was a man of faith and went confidently to be with his Lord.

Be Thou My Vision



I will post the funeral arrangements when they are completed.  In the meantime, if anyone would like to provide a meal for the family, I am condensing my original meal schedule to include all dates through September 14.  Let me know if you are interested and I will schedule you.  For those people already scheduled, I will contact you to adjust your date as needed.

Throughout this ordeal, Kari has been totally overwhelmed by the love and support she and the kids have received.  She cannot say enough good things about the people who have prayed for them, given monetary gifts, made meals, and even run errands for them.  She is eternally grateful.

You have brought comfort to her just like 
this cute little comfort dog did when he visited the waiting room today.

August 22, 2013

Dennis is being kept alive by machines.  The doctor said his liver has shut down, his kidneys haven't worked unassisted from the beginning, his heart is being driven by two different machines now (LVAD and ECMO), he's on a respirator which is breathing for him and his blood system is affected from lack of oxygen, imbalance in the system caused by medications , trauma, and bleeding.

A Family Meeting was held with all the doctors, nurses, and medical staff who had been involved with Dennis' case. The Summarized the history and his current condition and then answered any questions the group had.

It was good to hear the doctors state that their goal was to get Dennis back to a place he had been only days before.  Walking with assistance, eating, and spending time with is family.  They stressed that they would make every effort to get him back on track, however, his body had suffered a major assault and they weren't sure if that was going to be possible.  But they were going to try every measure until the time Dennis' body let them know it just wasn't going to heal.  At the point they felt it was futile, they would let the family know and then they would have to make some decisions.

That moment came at 8:45 in the evening.  Every measure they had tried was just not giving the necessary results.  At 9:00 Kari and the family decided that Dennis' body was telling everyone "enough" and they requested that the doctors to remove all support and just make him comfortable.

August 21, 2013

At 3:00 a.m., the hospital called Kari to tell her Dennis' heart had arrested and that she and the boys should get down there right away.  She called me and I drove her, Kevin and Sam to UCLA (Freeway is very nice at that time of the day :)  Matt and Rita and Pastor Steve and Nancy met us there.

We arrived around 3:30 a.m., but were not allowed to see Dennis as a team of doctors and nurses were working to stabilize him.

At 6:00 a.m, some more issues arose in Dennis' body.  Apparently he was bleeding a lot and Dr. Ardahali decided to do exploratory surgery to try and resolve the issue.  He could not find the source of the bleeding and simply packed him and sewed him back up.  Bleeding then slowed, but Dennis was extremely swollen with old and new blood everywhere.  He was extremely critical with many, many things wrong with his body

Kari, Marcia, Karla (Kari's sister) and I ended up spending the night in the waiting room.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 20, 2013

Another rough day for the Maedas.  This morning, Kari was told that surgery would happen in the morning, but they weren't sure what time since Dr. Ardahali had other surgeries scheduled.  While they waited, Kari said Dennis didn't look normal and he was still hallucinating a bit.  The waiting got frustrating!

At 4:00 p.m., Dr. Ardahali came in to see Dennis and after checking all the appropriate numbers decided surgery couldn't wait until the morning and had to be done right now.

At 7:30, surgery began to discover what kind of fluid was putting pressure on his heart.  By 8:30, Dennis was in recover and Dr. Ardahali said it was a good thing they did the surgery tonight because they found a lot of old blood clots and some new blood as well.

Two drainage tubes were put in Dennis to drain all the blood and were left there, at least for the night. Tonight, as of 11:00 p.m., there was still blood draining and the nurse practitioner said she would not yet call him stable. They were also giving him more blood and plasma to boost his system.

Here are a few pictures from earlier in the evening as we waited in "Maddie's Room", the surgery waiting room.
This is Maddie's Room where people wait for their loved ones to come out of surgery.
It was pretty quiet there tonight.  Of course, it was after 9:00 p.m.!
This is Sam watching shows on her computer. While the boys were....

...watching the last UCLA football team open practice.  Go Bruins!

Kari stayed busy doing her favorite hobby, crocheting!
Earlier, Joanne and Ruth were there crocheting with her.

Long night.  Kari will be back at UCLA bright and early in the morning.  Pray for her health and stamina!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Life on Campus

Dennis loves UCLA, although he never imagined he'd be spending so much time here!
Here's the hallway that Kari walks many times a day.  Through the double doors to room 7415.

And this is how you entertain yourself while you're waiting...iphones!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Journey Begins

Below is a brief synopsis of the past month.  Since I have written detailed emails, I thought I'd keep this daily recap short.  As time goes on, I will try to post to the blog instead of sending out email updates.  I will, however, continue to use email to request help that might be needed for Kari and the boys.

July 16, 2013 Dennis came home not feeling well.  He thought he had the flu.

July 17, 2013 After fighting flu-like symptoms all evening, Dennis collapsed on the bed at 12:30 a.m. and Kari called the paramedics.  The paramedics struggled to get him somewhat stable and then transported him to Little Company of Mary Medical Center(LCM).  Kari was able to get a hold of both boys, who rushed to join her at LCM.

July 17, 2013 was Dennis' 62nd birthday.

Doctors discovered that ALL of Dennis' main arteries were clogged.  Stents were put into the right anterior artery, but doctors questioned whether he would make it through the night.  He was placed on life support.

July 18, 2013 - Dennis was still with us.  Praise the Lord!

July 19, 2013 - Adjustments were made to meds.  Dennis seemed more alert.

July 20, 2013 - Dennis was alert and waving and giving a thumbs up.  The goal was to get him off the breathing machine.  Blood pressure was still unstable.

July 21-24, 2013 - Dennis remained in LCM ICU on life support. This is a part of all the meds he was hooked up to.
There were no less than five of these medicine stands in Dennis' room!

July 25, 2013 - Dennis was moved to Torrance Memorial Medical Center (TMMC) to have an Impella Device inserted as a temporary help to his heart. The surgeon discovered during the process,  that the artery with the stents put in it, had already begun to close.

While waiting at TMMC, a comfort dog came through the waiting room to visit.  This gentle dog was almost 100 lbs.!  But the boys couldn't help but smile when he came through.  Job well done, doggie!

July 26, 2013 - Dennis was moved to Ronald Reagan Medical Center at UCLA (UCLA) where there were more options for someone in his condition.  Dennis was unstable, but the doctors felt his best chance was to transfer him to UCLA.  (There was a protest in Westwood that day that made getting to the hospital very unnerving, but everyone made it and all were happy that he was now in a place that offered him the best care possible.)

July 27, 2013 - Dennis still had an infection, fever, pancreatitis, failing kidneys and a bad heart.  He was given a cat scan and an echo cardiogram and they were able to fix a problem with the Impella device.  He was also given some blood.  But he was much more alert this night!

July 28, 2013 - The breathing tube was taken out and Dennis was breathing on his own.  He was able to speak and start eating soft foods. His pancreas was still inflamed, his kidneys still were not functioning on their own and he had a low grade fever.

July 29-31, 2013 -  Discussions began about implanting a Left Ventricle Assist Device (LVAD) in Dennis since the Impella was reaching the maximum amount of time it could be used in him. The nurse came in and explained the device to Dennis and to those of us who happened to be in the room.
The LVAD nurse shows us an actual LVAD and all the equipment that goes with it.
The nurse showed Dennis the device and explained to him how it worked.

August 2, 2013 - Surgery to implant LVAD.  Here he goes from the ICU to the surgical floor....quite an event to move him and all his equipment and machinery!

This is what the LVAD looks like
August 3- 10, 2013 - Dennis began to recover from the LVAD surgery.  The respirator came out the day after surgery, but it took a few days for him to pass the swallow test so he could begin having soft foods and liquids.  By the weekend, he was standing up and taking steps with the PT and he seemed to feel a little more energized. But his kidneys still aren't working and the dialysis procedure began to wear on him.

August 11, 2013 - Dennis did not feel well this day. The dialysis was taking a toll on his body.

August 12, 2013 - Kari and Kevin met with a representative from the Joint Commission from Washington who came to check on VAD patients and their care (Vice President Cheney is a VAD patient).  They also met with the dietitian who discussed dietary changes that would have to be made.

August 13, 2013 - Dennis was tired again after a dialysis treatment.  He was having trouble breathing and his limbs were very swollen.

August 14, 2013 - Dennis walked 25 feet down the hallway.  He ate most of his meals.  But he was still having trouble breathing, running a fever and having diarrhea.

August 15, 2013 - Dennis was tired but still managed to walk 45 feet without sitting.  Needed oxygen assist. He seems to be eating well and continues to struggle with the Dialysis treatments.

August 16, 2013 - Dennis took a nice walk again, this time without the oxygen assist.  He ate well and again had a dialysis treatment.  He is still fighting a fever.

August 17, 2013 - Dennis was tired and has been having trouble sleeping. He began having trouble breathing and speaking.  It was determined that he had fluid in his lungs that would need to be drained. One liter of fluid was drained from his lungs. He felt a bit of relief, but was very tired from all the procedures.

August 18, 2013 - Dennis was a little delirious from new meds that were being administered to him.  But they were able to get him to sit in the outside patio for a while.

August 19, 2013 - A tough day.  Dennis was still hallucinating and they aren't sure if it's the meds or something else.  And echo cardiogram was done and it was discovered that the fluid around his heart was building and putting pressure on the heart. waited all evening to see if surgery would be performed at night, but the surgeon was called into another surgery and will have to do Dennis' in the morning.